On the very same day as my surprise visit to see the Annie Leibovitz Exhibition, not only did we see (or at least we were pretty sure it was) the Queen coming out of Buckingham Palace in a horse and carriage as we were walking to the exhibition but whilst sitting outside having lunch at a cute little (delicious) sandwich place in Soho, my companion for the day said, 'Ok fashionista, do you think this guy is trying a bit too hard? Overstyled?' to which I looked over my shoulder only to see...Gok Wan! The very Queen of fashion himself!
The funniest part of it was that my friend did actually think Gok's friend was overstyled (have to say I agree) and didn't notice Gok until he was literally walking right next to us. No piccie's this time though - I was unprepared!
Kisses, ZsuZsi xx